Ongoing Rolling Asset Audits Ensure Continuity For Your Organisation

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Ongoing rolling audits may be something that you are unfamiliar with. You know what an audit or stocktake is and how effective they are for knowing what assets and goods you have at a particular time, but after a few months or a quarter or two those assets change and move again. An ongoing rolling asset audit keeps you up-to-date on all of this information. What is the point of figuring out how many assets or goods you have if you are not going to keep up with it after your initial audit? 

Think about it like this. It is a lot easier to clean your house once and maintain the cleanliness you have achieved rather than it is to do one major clean every year or two. By doing rolling audits every two to three months instead of once every year or two, businesses can save upwards of 30 per cent. That is worth doing. 

Besides just saving money in the long run, performing ongoing rolling asset audits gives your operation accurate information to make better financial decisions with your assets which will either save you or make you more money. Ongoing rolling asset audits provide a clear sense of where everything is so when you need to utilise an asset you know exactly where it is.  Having a comprehensive knowledge of where assets are and who is using them ensures that you will be able to keep all of your assets in compliance with all the regulatory laws and rules pertaining to them. 

Keeping up-to-date information on the assets that you hold is very valuable. Contact us to learn more about the long-term benefits of ongoing rolling asset audits. 


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